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Dr AY Heath

Survivor | Writer | Writer Coach | Producer | Business Strategist | Life Coach

‪(408) 647-4446‬

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ACTIVATE your JOY factor

and IGNITE your life's dreams!

Set Your Soul on FIRE!

"Manifestation Magic is within you. 

Dream big, act big and you will create magic."

"You can not go back in time to change anything. 

Yet, you can go forward into the future and change everything!"

~ Angel Thacker

Are You Ready to set your SOUL on FIRE?

Live a life where you...

End the struggle with blocks and distractions that keep you from living the life of your dreams.  Let go of the anger, disappointments, and frustrations. 

Release conflict, distraction, judgment, and stress.  

Crossing the Finish Line

When your SOUL is on FIRE you can accomplish anything!

How would it feel to have a deep passion for life every day?

To have your dreams available for you to grasp with ease.

To be in a deeply passionate and loving relationship that satisfies you.

To have a real and rewarding relationship with your family

To be in a job, career, or business that gives you joy and satisfaction.


You know, to be able to look at your life and just say WOW! 



I'm Angel!

I am an Empowering Intuitive Life Coach, Creative & Effective Business Coach, Mentor, Inspiring Speaker, Teacher, Spiritual Entrepreneur, Proud Mother & Adored Wife.
After losing everything in the 2008 market crash I created my Manifest WOW process and made incredible changes in my life and many clients I have worked with. It's become my passion to help people live a life of extreme joy purpose! 
There's lots of information here.  So hang out for a bit, enjoy what I have to share. Thank you for visiting me, tap me if you need anything.  I Love you!

Join me and let's ignite your purpose and your BIG DREAM

My Mission

Help you create a life where your life is driven by what makes your heart sing.  A life where you can measure your life's success by the deep happiness and joy you feel in your life each and every day.  Creating the life of your dreams that creates DEEP fulfillment.

Achieving FREEDOM to live your life on your TERMS!


A little about my journey...

Building my business

I was able to take control of my life and recreate my self-image, regain my health and find ignite my inner sexy goddess!  I found my feminine me and came to realize that I didn't have to lose my sexy to be successful in business.   My husband loved that! 


In 2015 I had reached a point of exhaustion.  Between my job and my passion, I was working all the time.  Renting a studio space for dance, office space to see clients and traveling the community for workshops, 1:1 sessions and in home/business sessions.  All while working my regular job.


At the time I wasn't quite prepared to walk away from my job - I love what I do - but I couldn't continue at the pace I was driving.  


I decided to take my business to the internet.  At the time it was something I did give me some time back, I didn't realize it was going to be a boom for me!


I created online content for my life coaching business by using webinars, 1:1 training and automated content.  For my dance fitness programs, I created online training programs for instructors and dance classes for fans and enthusiasts.  I was nervous at the first launch.  I created a launch that brought in more than $6,000 the first week.  I was excited, for I would have had to run the community, pay a portion in rental fees and worked myself a frenzy to raise that in 10 times the time.


Since then I have been able to create launches that bring in 2 - 10 times that amount and I am not stopping there!  


I have discovered that life is limited only by the limitations we place in our path.  The only thing that is impossible is what we believe is impossible.

What makes me different?

Like so many of you, I have been through some stuff!


I have lost everything

Been left by my husband to raise my daughter alone from nothing

Had to live on public assistance

Had to recover from sexual and physical abuse


Life can be hard, I know!  I experienced my own personal struggles and tragedies, suffering the personal loss of loved ones - losing 3 brothers, a niece, cousins, grandparents, dear friends and so many more.  As we entered the new century I found myself facing my own mortality when I was confronted with tumors in my ovaries which halted my momentum in life.  And just as I felt I could handle no more, the 2008 financial crisis hit and both my husband and I found ourselves without work.  I found it difficult to move forward in my faith and process when I was struggling with my own personal losses and struggles.  I share this with you to provide a clear message that I understand.  I connect to my clients with humble understanding and a true desire to aid them in their goals to get answers that will help them move past whatever it is that is challenging them in this time in their lives. 


I have been through some stuff that has made me question if there is a place for me in the world of happiness and abundant prosperity.  There were times I wondered if I was destined to just get by and pray I had enough to retire without having to take on 2 - 3 part-time jobs in my retirement to make ends meet - when that time comes!

How many times have you had to re-create your life?

One of the hardest things to do is to re-create yourself. 


I have had to re-create my life multiple times.  Shifting and changing my life as the world change around me and circumstances in my personal life dictated that change.  I have climbed out of holes to stand back on the ground so many times I began to feel it was the normal experience that everyone went through!  I have had 4 points of transformation in my life:


1.  My first husband left me to raise my toddler alone with no assets or resources;

2.  I lost my job as a single parent and had to re-educate and rebuild my life once again from nothing

3.  When the nation suffered a major market reset, my husband and I both lost our jobs and I found myself having to climb back out of the darkness to re-establish and re-create myself once again

4.  The final time to date and when I decided I could no longer do what the "company" needed of me.  Rather, I needed to take care of my family and personal needs to be fulfilled in my life's purpose! And this is where you and I are meeting today.


There are so many coaches and motivational speakers out there and most of them are absolutely amazing!  I don't desire to discount what they have to bring to you.  What I desire to bring to you is a solution that you can connect to that will get you what you both want and desire!


I have been a working spiritual practitioner and life coach helping individuals find their passions in life and leap forward into abundant prosperity in all areas of their lives.  Each time I have had to re-create my life I have deepened my connection to my coaching work and created a more powerful process to take my clients through.  Over the years I created my DREAM BIG programming and have used it to help my clients step up and achieve their own personal dreams and greatness while releasing the fears and blocks that stood in their way!


In my personal evolution, I have found great pleasure in connecting with groups through lectures and workshops and working one on one with individuals through the various communication methods available in this age of technology. 


I look forward to working with you as you connect to the possibilities of your own life.

How I work ...

Each of us is different and all have many reasons why we may seek the support of a coach to help us to our next chapter in life.  Our sessions together are customized to meet the needs of each individual client.

Discovery & Exploration

Each client completes a client intake and daydream questionnaire.  This is to help get me started in understanding your life's desires.  I will sit with you in a Soul Discovery Call that will give me more details about who you are and what your deep soul dreams may truly be.

Day Dream

I take all my clients through my signature manifestation programming which includes; creating a dream board, Manifestation Magic™ programming, journaling activities, and my daydream meditation.  All to open my clients to the dreams that have deep in their soul.

Heal & Release

Using healing, activities, exercises, guided meditation, affirmations and 1:1 sessions I work with my clients to release their fears, anxieties, and blocks that have interfered with their ability to move forward into their dreams.

Re-set & Reprogram

Using healing, activities, exercises, guided meditation, affirmations and 1:1 sessions I work with my clients to release their fears, anxieties, and blocks that have interfered with their ability to move forward into their dreams.

Action Plan

We can dream all day.  Until we are in action we will always be just dreaming.  I will help you draw up a real LIFE MAP that will give you steps and actions to get you closer to your goals.

Set immediate actions

The most important actions are immediate actions.  We will work together to help you set 3 real actions to do immediately to start your new focused journey


Having a coach is more than just having a partner in discovering and accomplishing goals.  They also serve to keep you focused an in integrity to yourself.  Check-ins, report outs, assignments and connectivity calls are a part of all my coaching programs.  My goal for you is that you see REAL results.



Not just for accountability.  I follow-up with my clients regularly during our time together and afterward.  My Elite & Mastery clients have unlimited access to me for follow-up and check-ins.


I will help you re-write your script and create a roadmap to a powerfully joyous life!

Do I need a coach Angel?

We can all sometimes use a boost!

We can beat our heads against the wall living the same mistakes, lessons, and frustrations over and over again.  Working with a life coach can help you build your self-confidence, let go of the stories and fabrications that have held you back.

Working with me can help you dig deeper to release and heal while creating positive change and discovering the activities that will make your heart sing.  I invest quality and critical time into my clients, giving them what they need to build real change and real success.  My goal is to help you ...

Manifest your BIG DREAMS!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

With more clients and revenue than you know what to do with.

Do you want to live your life on your terms every day?

Being able to do what you want... when you want...

Making your business that Big Dream business you hear others talking about...

How about taking that leap of faith!


How we can Create an Extraordinary Life for you!

Work with me as your Joyous Life Coach
1:1 Purposeful Life Coaching
Compass & Map
Coaching focused on getting to the source of who you are and what you desire deep in your soul.  Discovery, goal setting, exploration, goal setting, accountability, and celebration

Included in Purposeful Life Coaching:
we start with:
client intake form
dream mapping session
dream board session
daydream session
purpose-driven activities

daily & weekly journaling activities
weekly 1:1 coaching session
 (minimum 2-month commitment)


1:1 Purposeful Life Coaching
1:1 VIP Coaching
Customized coaching that adjusts and transforms as you progress and evolve. You are a VIP and I am your personal coach helping you to rise and step into all your life goals
Included in VIP Coaching:
we start with:
client intake form
dream mapping session

dream board session
daydream session
purpose-driven activities
dream exploration session
30|60| 90-day goal set session
long term goal setting session

weekly 1:1 coaching session
weekly coaching feedback report
bi-weekly 30-minute accountability sessions (2x monthly)
text message support access
 (minimum 2-month commitment)
1:1 VIP Coaching


Apply as a coaching client


It's important to me that your experience is empowering and successful. 

I would be proud to support you in your journey and I want both of us to be sure we are a good match to give you that powerful experience I desire for you.  By completing the application you will answer a few simple questions for me, I will review and get back with you to set up a get to know you call so that we can talk about what you're looking for and if working together makes sense.

If you are ready to make real change and transformation in your life, I am ready to discuss how we can make all that happen... and MORE!

CLick below to complete the application and let's talk!

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Creating a life of riches - Body, Mind, and Spirit 

It's all mindset, focus, and action - nothing new right?

I am all business when it comes to generating business and want to create that space for you.  I became a coach for practitioners out of my passion for helping others create the life of their dreams. 


I have mastered creating 6 figure launches for myself and other coaches and practitioners.

#mindset #getintoaction  #ignitewow

In the world I live in anything is possible!

The dreamers that chose to reach for the impossible manifest like crazy!

In the world of WOW we focus on creating more today than we had yesterday...

In ALL areas of our lives!

Activating magical manifestation...

Being in complete focus...

Generating real action...

Creating real revenues and building our crazy big dreams each day!

#crazyaction  #crazydreams

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