Dr AY Heath
Survivor | Writer | Writer Coach | Producer | Business Strategist | Life Coach
Speaking & Appearances
Bring Angel to your event.
Building a trusting spaced where people can experience expand their vision and imagine the impossible.
Build an Extraordinary Organization!
Ignite FIRE and PASSION for your organization, event or team with Angel.
I love helping people realize their dreams.
I am passionate about helping others learn how to bring their gifts forward. We all have the ability to connect and engage with The Divine, access our highest light to ignite our dreams! I can bring lectures to your community that can speak to a wide variety of subjects that connect to spirituality, team building, purpose-driven focus, your business or organization. Topics can focus on any area that you feel appropriate and will be designed to ignite your audience to what is possible in their lives and help them see that the only thing there is to do is to dream and prepare for the dream magic to happen!
Create an Extraordinary Life!
Living your "Big Dream Lifestyle"...
I believe in DREAM MAGIC!
Magic is defined as:
the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. ~ Websters
What is the Big Dream Lifestyle?
You see, we have the power to influence our lives through understanding how to engage with the universal flow and tapping into the Divine. It's not Houdini magic and its not woo-woo magic. It is simply what I call Dream Magic and has nothing to do with spells or incantations. It's about belief and is based on a sound foundation that I use to help keep my clients well-engaged with their dreams and the world around them that they influence and are influenced by. I bring this to life with steps, tools, and activities to help your participants understand the true power of dreaming and how they can walk away from your event in a space of dream creation!
The 3 keys to living the Big Dream Lifestyle!
Big Dream
Big Courage
Big Action
You see, we have the power to influence our lives through understanding how to engage with the universal flow and tapping into the Divine. It's not Houdini magic and its not woo magic. It is simply what I call Dream Magic and has nothing to do with spells or incantations. It's about belief and is based in a sound foundation that I use to help keep my clients well engaged with their dreams and the world around them that they influence and are influenced by. I bring this to life with steps, tools, and activities to help your participants understand the true power of dreaming and how they can walk away from your event in a space of dream creation!
Key Topics:
Inspire women to reach up and CATCH THEIR DREAM!
Big Dream Lifestyle. Dream it! Create it! Live it!
Customers are the ingredients to igniting your Big Dream!
Be inspired every day!
OVERCOME and Dream Big!
My presentations are great for:
Releasing Fear
Self Esteem
Life Purpose
How I flow
My presentation can be designed to meet the needs of your event, the flow created to enhance your outcome and leave your attendees with an amazing experience. My flow can be applied from 30, 45, 60 & 90-minute presentations, timing to fit your needs! My standard presentation is in 5 sections, put together to take your attendees to a space of acceptance of their ability to create Dream Magic!
Section 1: Introduction
I will light up the group energy, movement, and engagement. Getting them to experience joy in a box for a moment and even to do a little dancing in place. Creating connection and high energy to get your event rocking while opening your attendees to the possibilities that can come with being on a joyous life dream state.
Section 2: It's Time To Dream
Here I will share stories of people we can look up to and how they created their dreams. Before I do that I will ask your attendees to dream. Set the stage for what I call a life dream state. A space where they will be asked to imagine. By taking them through a dream story to imagine where they could be if they had no limitations in any area of their lives. With a dream map made of images, puzzle pieces, blocks and all manner of fun and delightful items we will all create a BIG DREAM!
After creating a no limit dream I will take the attendees through an activity to create a dream while partnering with others around them. Once completed I will end this section by sharing a dream that I accomplished that changed my life focus.
Section 3: Don't Be Afraid To Dream
Fear can be the end of any and all dreams. We will tackle fear by playing a game of dragon slayer. I will start this section off by sharing a story of someone who succeeded in their dreams by defeating their fears. This section will reveal my 4 steps to slaying dragons! Attendees will walk away with tools to defeat their dragons and an invitation to support one another in their personal pursuit to moving past fear to dream!
Section 4: It's Never Too Late
The biggest lesson I have learned is that is indeed never too late. We have all the time in the world to create whatever we want. In this section, I will take your attendees through my dream time maze and open them to consider that human time is the real illusion.
Section 5: Let's Dream Together
I want your attendees to truly feel and know they can achieve and the only thing that is standing in their way is ... well... nothing! I will end the event on a high note with an invitation for your attendees to dream each and every day. That their lives be fulfilled in every way they desire. That they are motivated, inspired and focused to achieve!
Contact & Booking
If you are interested in booking Dr. Heath, complete the information below.
Angel's 2024 & 2025 schedules are booking fast, add your event today!
Contact Info
Name: Dr. AY Heath
Phone: (408) 647-4446