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Dr AY Heath

Survivor | Writer | Writer Coach | Producer | Business Strategist | Life Coach

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‪(408) 647-4446‬

Dr. AY Heath

Creating success with your dream business is like becoming a successful dancer over 40! 

"Your first time on stage is the scariest thing you've ever faced.  But when you're done.. all you want is more!"


Angel Thacker,

Founder, Afro-Belly Boogie & New Age Guild. Principal, Two Lions Group LLC 

SF Bay Area Belly Dancer & Fitness Entrepreneur

I became a dancer late in life .. first out of necessity then because I loved it!  I started dancing as part of my fitness journey when I launched my brand Afro-Belly Boogie.  A fitness program that helped me regain my health and launched more than 150 individuals into their personal journies as fitness professionals.  My passion for fitness evolved into a passion for dance.  I can still remember my first professional performance.  I was scared, unsettled, and (after seeing all the young beautiful dancers around me) I felt completely unprepared.  How could I possibly think that I could be competitive in this field?

Let's be honest.  How often do we feel that way every day in business?  Especially in our own business.  The feelings are almost all the same:

fear of failure

feelings of inadequacy

unsure of our skills

not sure if we can remember what to do

lack of confidence in our presentation

lack of education or knowledge

This is how we feel that first step out to the unknown.  However, like my journey in the dance, I became more comfortable, confident and my skills strengthened with every performance.

Accelerating your business is about accelerating your life through igniting what you're passionate about and launching your business UP on the momentum of that passion!

Find your brand, define your message, connect to your ideal client base, and build your community.

Dr AY Heath is an adept business coach and spiritual entrepreneur. For over 25 years, Angel has provided exclusive coaching services to organizations of all sizes in a wide range of industries and individuals. Additionally, she provides business coaching that develops real, resourceful, and resilient leaders who achieve amazing results through spirituality.

Throughout her career years, she’s prone to access tools, resources, and extensive knowledge which she uses to transform the lives of people. Angel is an experienced spiritual entrepreneur, so she speaks from experience, as well as years of her own personal and professional development.

​​As a spiritual entrepreneur and business coach, Angel leverages her depth of business knowledge to motivate, educate, and inspire entrepreneurs to achieve a higher level of success, professionally and personally. Angel offers a holistic approach to happiness and overall well-being. She is enthusiastic about helping people maximize their potential, unlock their uniqueness, and discover their purpose in life. With a distinct perspective, she spiritually examines their predicaments differently and discovers the core hindrances to their success- empowering them to ignite and transform their lives.


Angel is a highly gifted spiritual and intuitive life coach, focusing her life on the technologies of what she calls living a "joy*possible life".  Using her 21 "joy laws" she works with clients to shift their focus on creating and maintaining a space of joy to access true fulfillment and abundance in all areas of ones life.  


What makes me different?

Like so many of you, I have been through some tough times!


I have lost everything

Been left by my husband to raise my daughter alone from nothing

Had to live on public assistance

Had to recover from sexual and physical abuse


Life can be hard, I know!  I experienced my own personal struggles and tragedies, suffering the personal loss of loved ones - losing my beloved mother, 3 brothers, a niece, cousins, grandparents, dear friends and so many more.  As we entered the new century I found myself facing my own mortality when I was confronted with tumors in my ovaries which halted my momentum in life.  And just as I felt I could handle no more, the 2008 financial crisis hit and both my husband and I found ourselves without work.  I found it difficult to move forward in my faith and process when I was struggling with my own personal losses and struggles.  I share this with you to provide a clear message that I understand.  I connect to my clients with humble understanding and a true desire to aid them in their goals to get answers that will help them move past whatever it is that is challenging them in this time in their lives. 


I have been through some stuff that has made me question if there is a place for me in a world of happiness and abundant prosperity.  There were times I wondered if I was destined to just get by and pray I had enough to retire without having to take on 2 - 3 part-time jobs in my retirement to make ends meet - when that time comes!

And I made it out with true life love and joy!

You can accomplish the WORLD through the filter of JOY!

I am committed to your life's transformation!

How many times have you had to re-create your life?

One of the hardest things to do is to re-create yourself. 


I have had to re-create my life multiple times.  Shifting and changing my life as the world changed around me and circumstances in my personal life dictated that change.  I have climbed out of holes to stand back on the ground so many times I began to feel it was the normal experience that everyone went through!  I have had 4 points of transformation in my life:


1.  My first husband left me to raise my toddler alone with no assets or resources;

2.  I lost my job as a single parent and had to re-educate and rebuild my life once again from nothing

3.  When the nation suffered a major market reset, my husband and I both lost our jobs and I found myself having to climb back out of the darkness to re-establish and re-create myself once again

4. I was hit hard with a debilitating illness that left me paralyzed and unable to work, after more than 30 years as a business professional



There are so many coaches and motivational speakers out there and most of them are absolutely amazing!  I don't desire to discount what they have to bring to you.  What I desire to bring to you is a solution that you can connect to that will get you what you both want and desire!

Manifestation Angel

Here are some examples of some of the successes I have had in my personal life.  Life is not about being rich, it's about making your life rich.  The examples below are the deep and important goals along with some fun and fabulous goals!

And everybody gets a car!


So this is one of my favorite manifestations (2nd only to manifesting my man!).  I've always wanted a Lexus, as we know they are expensive.  With some focus and belief and manifestation magic, I'm driving my Lexus!  But it's not just that, my daughter got her new car out of the deal as well.  New cars all around!

Letting my fan girl fly!



From 2008 - 2010 I was knee-deep into recreating my life.  Money was short and I was passionate about giving my daughter joy and adventure even though we had so little.  We bonded together in our love for animation and science fiction.  Although I did have the money, I wanted to generate so that I could take my daughter to any convention or event that she wanted to go to, without worrying about money.  Just like creating myself as a fitness instructor with no background, I decided to create myself as a journalist.  With no experience, no references.  Just a desire and mindset/.  I set out my goals to write for a major publication, be relevant, and be paid to attend and report out on events.  And I did, writing for the San Francisco Examiner for 3 years, attending fandom events throughout the West Coast, and meeting some of my favorites in the genres.  Most importantly, creating memories for my daughter that drown out our new poverty years. 

You see my daughter and me with actor Vic Mignogna and there I am with Crispin Freeman and Marina Sirtis.  

All that and travel too!


Traveling is something I enjoy and getting back to it quickly was important to me.  I didn't just want to travel around doing lectures and working, I wanted to travel with my husband and enjoy life on an EPIC level.  

In about 12 months I was able to see a solar eclipse, travel to Cabo, spent a week at Disneyland, hiked the through poppies, went to Las Vegas...all by manifesting the means and finances.  

Angel's Credentials & Experience

  • Doctorate in Organizational and Infrastructural Development in (Divinity)  

  • MBA, Walden University (candidate)

  • Certified Master Life Coach (Transformation Academy)

  • Certified Life Purpose Coach (Transformation Academy)

  • Certified Spiritual Life Coach (Transformation Academy)

  • Certified Goal Success Coach (Transformation Academy)

  • Certified Hypnotherapist (American Alliance of Hypnotherapists)

  • Certified Life Coach (EON),

  • Microsft Office Certified

  • Certified Project Manager (EON)

  • Certified Personal Trainer (NESTA),

  • Aromatherapy Certificate (UC)

  • Nutrition for Weight Loss (ACE),

  • Charka Energy Healing | Clearing (MSC)

  • Sacred Herbalist Certificate (UC)

  • Reiki Certificate (UC)

  • Guided Meditation | Past Life Facilitation (PE), (CSC)

  • Workshop facilitation and Group Teaching Training – Franklin Covey

  • Goal Setting Workshops - Franklin Covey

  • Discover Your Life's Purpose Workshops - Anthony Robbins

  • Website Design & Marketing

  • SEO & Search Engine Optimization

  • Social Media Marketing


Commercial awareness & business acumen.

Identifying, developing, and directing the implementation of business strategy.

Knowledge and experience of procurement processes, procedures, and policy setting.

Identifying, developing and implementing best practice that increases performance.

Carrying out effective research & intelligence into competitor products & other trends.

Developing partnerships & relationships with third parties to meet strategic objectives.

Budget setting and control, including measurement and return on investment.

Involved in planning & organizing the organization’s activities to achieve targets.

Ability to impact sales through coaching, counseling, and influencing others to accomplish desired outcomes.

Ability to influence and set company marketing policy and plans.

Creating engaging marketing content across multiple platforms.

Understand all legal, regulatory, information security and compliance requirements.

Ability to manage operations within budgetary constraints.

Provided a stabilizing influence and promoted an excellent environment conducive to increasing efficiency, enhancing the quality and strengthening financial results.


Participated and contributed equally while working in a group for projects at work.

Ability to get along with all levels of people and possess strong relationship-building skills.

Built effective personal relationships and networks within the team, which contributed towards achieving organizational and team successes.


Strong organizational, administrative, and analytical skills.

Possessing the financial acumen and commercial flair needed to understand the diverse markets and identify potential opportunities and new clients.

Having a proven ability to plan, organize and control activities & staff.

Disciplined approach & strong/effective communicator at all levels.

Able to manage available resources to maximize productivity and efficiency.

Improving margins and maintaining a high-quality service to clients.

Able to develop, coordinate, delegate, and plan work activities.


Quick learner, possess a broad range of experience, highly motivated, and have the ability to work in structured and unstructured environments and initiating career awareness and self-monitoring on my overall progress.

Board Room Experience

San Francisco Carnaval Parade

Board Member 2004-2009

Desert Dance Festival

Board Member 1998-2008

East Bay Anime

Board Member 2008-2010

Two Lions Group

Bay Area Eats Charity

Board Member 2018 - PRESENT

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