Join our expert family and be a part of the New Age SHIFT and TRANSFORMATION
Who are our guests/members?
Our program highlights transformational, inspirational and motivational speakers and authors of all levels. Anyone who has a message of interest to help, inform or move people in their life journey. Are you a:
Spiritual practitioner, Individual with a Story of Survival or Empowerment, Life coach, Medium, Business Coach, Entrepreneur, Healer, Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer or Coach, Dancer, Performer, Artist, Astrologer, Small Boutique or Spa Business Owner, Holistic Practitioner or Physician with a Message of Healing and Empowerment, Women's Health Advocate, Paranormal Professional...
We welcome speakers with a message that our audience would find informative or interesting!
Who are our listeners?
80% seeking information and assistance, information and inspiration. Some of their interests include holistic living, mediums, psychics, tarot, past lives, astrology, healing, personal growth, spiritual transformation, soul purpose, readings, self-help, paranormal news & information, ufology.
Audience location details:
US = 82.36%
Europe = 10.57
Canada = 6.16%
More than 500 archived episodes
Over 100,000 return listens and downloads
Over 12,000 average organic live listeners
Return listeners & downloads: 28% iTunes, 34% Blogtalk, 35% website downloads
All our programs are scheduled during prime-time listening hours
Distribution: 5000+ mailing list and subscribers
Social Media: Over 50,000 across our pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter